Everyone knows that having to write individualized thank you cards is the worst part of receiving gifts.
Luckily, ThankView is fixing this with its platform that lets users send customized, video thank you cards to each person on your invite list.
Here’s how it works:
After uploading a recipient list, users can choose a theme and customize their e-card with photos, text, and colors. Then, ThankView virtually queues up each thank you card, letting users quickly record back-to-back individual messages to everyone on their invite list.
The result is a thank you video where you can personally acknowledge each person and their gift, all at a fraction of the cost of sending a handwritten (and arguably less personal) letter through the mail.
While the company has different pricing options depending on how many people you are thanking, the mid-tier option is 100 ThankViews for $50…definitely less than the cost of postage and stationary.
While the cost savings are significant, the best part about ThankView may be the time savings. If you’re writing thank you cards for a 200 person wedding, and you take two or three minutes per card, you’re spending anywhere from seven to ten hours just writing thank you cards.
The New York-based company also lets users track thank you cards after being sent, so you can see when your recipient opened and viewed your video message.
While the most obvious use case is events like weddings and birthdays, it’s also not hard to imagine ThankView serving a purpose in the workplace. Management could use the service to create custom video cards acknowledging milestones or special events in the company’s history, all in a fraction of the time as writing a handwritten note.
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