The wait is almost over for the new season of Orphan Black to arrive and screw with your head, and BBC America has been magnanimous enough to release the first four minutes of the April 14 premiere. While the core four clones (Sarah, Helena, Alison, and Cosima) are nowhere in sight, it looks like the premiere episode is going back to the beginning with Beth, the clone who killed herself in the series premiere and set Sarah on her path into sisterhood, neolutionists, and a lot of other weird occurrences.
Proving once again that there isn’t a single persona that star Tatiana Maslaney can’t pull off with aplomb, fans are introduced in the flashback to yet another clone, the enigmatic and deeply paranoid M.K. We also get a good look at Beth, who’s riddled with her own doubts, doing drugs and lying to the recent departed Paul (Dylan Bruce).
It’s unclear how much time the show will spend in flashback with Beth, but according to show runner John Fawcett, M.K. is “a slightly traumatized clone who has a deep past” and “a Deep Throat kind of character.” I don’t know about you, but I am more than ready for another season of Clone Club madness.

BBC America
“The Collapse of Nature” will air on April 14 at 10 p.m. EST on BBC America.
(Via Entertainment Weekly)
Watch The First Four Minutes Of The ‘Orphan Black’ Season Four Premiere
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