World Bulletin / News Desk
The Israeli army imposed Sunday a security cordon on the West Bank town of Beit Ur al-Tahta west of Ramallah following an alleged shooting attack last week in which two soldiers were injured.
On Sunday morning, Israeli public radio announced that the army had “imposed a security cordon last night on Beit Ur al-Tahta, the town to which it is believed the perpetrator of an attack three days ago — in which two soldiers were injured — fled”.
The Israeli army frequently cordons off West Bank towns from which alleged Palestinian attackers hail.
Palestinian officials, for their part, describe the policy as “collective punishment”, which, they say, violates international conventions on human rights.
Since last October, the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories have seen frequent bouts of violence between Palestinian youth and Israeli troops, which some observers have described as a third Palestinian “Intifada” (“uprising”).
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