Just days before the vital South Carolina primary, Spike Lee has publicly backed Senator Bernie Sanders for President. “Wake up!” says the radio spot released today from the Do The Right Thing director. “Wake up, South Carolina! This is your dude Spike Lee. And I know that you know the system is rigged. For too long we’ve given our votes to corporate puppets. Sold the Okie-doke.”
With the African-American vote and celebrity endorsements both big factors in the race for the Democratic nomination between the Vermont Senator and Hillary Clinton, Lee’s backing could prove pivotal for Sanders. New Hampshire primary winner Sanders currently has 51 delegates to Clinton’s 52, not including her massive lead among super delegates.
“Ninety-nine percent of Americans were hurt by the great recession of 2008, and many are still recovering,” the Chi-Raq helmer adds in the ad. “And that’s why I am officially endorsing my brother Bernie Sanders. Bernie takes no money from corporations. Nada. Which means he is not on the take. And when Bernie gets into the White House, he will do the right thing.”
“How can we be sure? Bernie was at the March on Washington with Dr King,” Lee notes, reminding South Carolina voters of Sanders long Civil Rights record. “He was arrested in Chicago for a protest of segregation in public schools. He has fought for wealth and education equality throughout his career.”
Jumping from Sanders to his rival, the likes of Will Ferrel are now supporting Clinton, who polls show with a strong lead among African Americans both in the southern state and nationally. The former Secretary of State also has had Shonda Rhimes and Morgan Freeman coming out for her too. However, the self-described “democratic socialist” had the backing of Cornel West, rapper Killer Mike and Danny Glover – all of whom have taken to the trail for Sanders. Having said he will not be attending the Oscars this year over the lack of African American nominees in the top categories, will Lee be doing the same in the coming days has to be the next question.
Spike Lee Endorses Bernie Sanders For President – “He Will Do The Right Thing”
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